These standards are considered a guide when considering Candidates for ordained ministry with the Convergent Catholic Communion. The four areas of membership consideration are as follows:
Personal Suitability
Each candidate must satisfy the minimum requirement of passing a criminal background check, including the US Department of Justice Sexual Offender Registry. Additionally, the Bishop may require psychological assessment, the cost of which would be covered by the candidate.
Spiritual Orientation
Each candidate must be actively developing, cultivating and maturing a general personal spirituality in the Christian faith tradition.
Theological Grounding
We believe in having educated and trained clergy. We recognize that not all educational opportunities happen in the classroom; therefore, formal theological training is not required but is encouraged when financially possible. We also understand that many come to the Convergent Christian Communion from many different paths of ministry preparation and experience. Therefore, any previous education or learning will be taken into account when considering membership (including for those who seek membership but are already ordained). Because we value our diversity, our theological requirements are geared more toward general knowledge. In an effort to affirm this diversity, individuals without any formal theological training may be required to undergo theological tutelage with a Communion appointed Mentor.
It should be noted that there is one exception to the rule of general knowledge and that pertains to Sacramental Theology; it is our expectation that the candidate has a detailed theological understanding of the Sacraments and their place in our common life.
Ministry Preparedness
Each candidate should be prepared and capable of exercising the pastoral, liturgical and ecclesiastical functions of the order to which they are to be ordained (diaconate or presbytery). As examples, deacons should know how to administer baptism and all other diaconal ministerial functions and Elders should know how to celebrate the Eucharist and all other priestly ministerial functions.
Each applicant will undergo no more than 2 interviews, with the final decision being communicated by the Bishop holding jurisdiction. These standards are provided as a guide and shall not encroach upon a Bishop’s right to ordain whom they find suitable for ministry.