About our Communion
When considering the whole of Christian history, The Convergent Catholic Communion is still very young. Although young, we have continued to grow and mature as a vibrant expression of Christian faith and spirituality. Chances are, you have never heard of Convergent Catholicism and you have found yourself on these pages trying to figure out just what we mean by that. Below you will find a series of questions about our Communion - they cover the who, what, when and how of our communion. Each of these questions have been gleaned from the numerous social media and in-person interactions that our members and leaders have participated in over the past few years.
The Convergent Catholic Communion (CCC) was borne out of the vision and dedication of two ministers - the Reverend Drew Haywood-Larsen, our late founder, and the Most Reverend JOHN GREGORY, our current Presiding Bishop. Together, they sought to establish a place of refuge for affirming clergy and ministries within the Convergence Movement, blending the richness of sacramental tradition with a modern, inclusive approach.
The Birth of the Anthem Network
In early 2014, Rev. Haywood-Larsen and Rev. von Folmar laid the foundation for what would become the Convergent Catholic Communion. Their initial efforts resulted in the formation of The Anthem Network, a small association of inclusive church plants primarily located within the Southwest United States. This network aimed to create spaces where all individuals could experience the love and grace of God, regardless of their background.
On June 15th, 2014, The Anthem Network was officially launched, marking a significant milestone in the journey of our Communion. The first General Assembly was held in August of that year, bringing together clergy and laity to share their vision, worship together, and lay the groundwork for future growth.
Transition and Leadership
The Anthem Network continued to grow and thrive under the leadership of Rev. Haywood-Larsen and Rev. von Folmar. However, in 2016, the network faced a profound loss with the passing of Rev. Haywood-Larsen. In response, the General Council appointed Rev. von Folmar as the Presiding Minister of The Anthem Network. Under his leadership, the network continued to expand and solidify its commitment to inclusivity and sacramental worship.
Embracing the Historic Episcopate
By 2018, the Communion had matured significantly, prompting a pivotal decision to adopt the historic episcopate in apostolic succession, aligning with the practices of Catholic and Apostolic churches worldwide. This step marked our deeper commitment to the sacramental vision of our founders and our full entry into the Independent Catholic Movement.
In the same year, our first two bishops were consecrated, and Rev. von Folmar was elected as our first Presiding Bishop. This consecration was a profound moment in our history, symbolizing our embrace of the ancient traditions of the Church while continuing to forge a path forward that honors our unique calling.
The Legacy Continues
Today, the Convergent Catholic Communion stands as a testament to the vision and dedication of Rev. Haywood-Larsen and Rev. von Folmar. Our Communion continues to grow, guided by the principles of inclusivity, sacramental worship, and a commitment to social justice. We remain dedicated to creating spaces where all are welcome to experience the transformative love of Christ, upholding the rich traditions of the Catholic faith while responding to the needs of our contemporary world.
We invite you to join us on this journey, as we continue to build a community that reflects the unity in diversity that is at the heart of the Convergent Catholic Communion.
Our History: The Formative Years of the Convergent Catholic Communion

What is Convergent Catholicism?
Convergent Catholicism is an integral part of a wider movement known as the Convergence Movement. Also referred to as the Paleo-orthodox Movement or the Ancient-Future Faith movement, this Christian movement emerged during the Fourth Great Awakening (1960–1980) in the United States. The Convergence Movement grew out of the ecumenical movement, seeking to blend the richness of different Christian traditions into a unified expression of faith.
The Convergence Movement developed as a syncretic movement among evangelical and charismatic churches in the United States. It sought to integrate the dynamic worship and spiritual gifts of the charismatic tradition with the structured liturgies of the Book of Common Prayer and other sources from sacramental traditions. This blending aimed to create a holistic worship experience that honors the ancient practices of the Church while embracing contemporary expressions of faith.
It is important to distinguish the Convergence Movement from Convergence Christianity. The latter, often associated with figures like Brian McLaren and Phyllis Tickle, has roots in Emergent Christianity. Convergence Christianity has become a phenomenon primarily among post-evangelical and post-liberal Christians who are deconstructing and reconstructing their belief systems in pursuit of a more authentic and open approach to faith and spirituality. While there are areas of overlap between these movements, they are distinct in their origins and focus.
For those interested in learning more about Convergence Christianity, informative articles and resources are available. As you explore these, you will notice some shared themes with the Convergence Movement, but also key differences that highlight the unique aspects of each.
In summary, Convergent Catholicism within the Convergence Movement represents a unique synthesis of charismatic worship and sacramental liturgy, rooted in the ancient traditions of the Church while responding to the contemporary spiritual landscape.
What Do We Mean by Affirming, Evangelical, Charismatic, and Sacramental?

When we say we are affirming, we mean that our Communion is open, welcoming, and grace-filled. We believe that Christ’s love and ministry are accessible to all, regardless of denominational background, political affiliation, social class, race, gender, sexual orientation, or age. We strive to create an inclusive community where everyone can experience the transformative love of God.
By evangelical, we mean that we are deeply rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ (euangelion) and committed to living out its message in the world. This commitment includes a strong appreciation for God’s grace, the importance of faith, and the authority of Scripture. Our evangelical heritage calls us to proclaim the Good News and embody it in our daily lives, fostering a faith that is active and transformative.
When we identify as charismatic, we express our belief in the ongoing presence and work of the Holy Spirit in the world today. We recognize and welcome the gifts of the Spirit (charismata) bestowed upon believers, and we value the movements of restoration, renewal, and revival within the Church. This charismatic dimension empowers us to live dynamic and Spirit-filled lives, open to the guidance and inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
By sacramental, we affirm our embrace of the sacramental and liturgical life of the historic Catholic and Apostolic Church. Our Communion upholds the creeds, celebrates the sacraments, and maintains the historic episcopate in apostolic succession. This sacramental life connects us to the ancient traditions of the Church while enriching our spiritual journey with the grace conveyed through these holy mysteries.
In summary, to be affirming, evangelical, charismatic, and sacramental means to live a faith that is inclusive, rooted in the Gospel, empowered by the Holy Spirit, and deeply connected to the sacramental traditions of the historic Church. This holistic approach allows us to honor the past while engaging dynamically with the present and future.
How Does Convergent Christianity Play Out in the C.C.C.?
The Convergent Catholic Communion (C.C.C.) embraces the diversity of expressions within Convergent Christianity. We recognize that this convergence can manifest in various ways, and we celebrate the richness that comes from different approaches to faith and worship. Here are three primary expressions of Convergent Christianity within our Communion. These definitions are intended to start a conversation and provide a general framework, though they do not capture all the nuances present in each expression.
First Expression
First Expression Convergent Catholics strive for a fully integrated convergence experience in their church communities. These congregations are deeply committed to being fully evangelical, fully charismatic, and fully sacramental. They value worship services and ministries that incorporate the best elements of each of these three streams, creating a vibrant and holistic worship experience. This expression seeks to mirror the early Church, which was inherently evangelical, charismatic, and sacramental.
Second Expression
econd Expression Convergent Catholics have a deep connection to fully sacramental spirituality, often embracing the “high church” paradigm. These communities are characterized by formal liturgical worship, where clergy are fully vested, and services follow a structured liturgy from start to finish. This expression values the rich traditions of the Church, including formal prayers, congregational confessions, the recitation of creeds, and the sharing of the peace. While deeply rooted in tradition, these Catholics also work to incorporate free-flowing, Spirit-led elements into their worship and daily lives.
Third Expression
Third Expression Convergent Catholics resonate more with the “low church” paradigm, commonly found in Protestant congregations. These communities prefer non-liturgical worship services that emphasize extemporaneous preaching, teaching, and prayer. While they recognize the importance of ancient Church practices, such as the weekly celebration of the Eucharist, they rely less on printed prayer books and service guides. This expression values spontaneity and flexibility in worship, creating an environment that feels familiar to those from evangelical and charismatic backgrounds.

What Do You Believe About the Holy Scripture?

We believe the Holy Scriptures comprise the Old and New Testaments along with the Deuterocanonical Books. These Deuterocanonical Books, for those following Western traditions, include Tobit, Judith, Additions to the Book of Esther, the Wisdom of Solomon, Baruch, the Letter of Jeremiah, the Prayer of Azariah and the Song of the Three Children, Susanna, Bel and the Dragon, 1 Maccabees, 2 Maccabees, 1 Esdras, the Prayer of Manasseh, and 2 Esdras. Those who look toward Eastern Christianity may also include 1 Esdras, Psalm 152, the Prayer of Manasseh, 3 Maccabees, and 4 Maccabees.
We affirm that the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are divinely inspired. This divine inspiration refers to the process in which God’s concepts were expressed through the words of humankind. Our Communion acknowledges a diversity of views on the topics of infallibility and inerrancy. During our ordination liturgies, our clergy affirm that the Bible contains all things necessary for salvation.
What are Holy Orders?
In the Convergent Catholic Communion, our clerics are organized according to the historic model of Church leadership, comprising Deacons, Elders, and Bishops, each supporting the community in distinct ways. Before entering Holy Orders, our ‘Candidates for Holy Orders’ undergo thorough training and examination to ensure they are well-prepared for their roles. Our Communion places no gender requirement on ordination, welcoming all who are called to serve. Like St. Paul, our clerics are tent-makers, meaning they live and work in the world while building up the body of Christ on earth. Some of our clergy are married or partnered, while others are not; some choose celibacy, and others do not.
The Convergent Catholic Communion does not offer wages or salaries to our ministers. We are missionaries, establishing church plants, missions, ministries, and faith communities wherever people gather. We are entrepreneurial, taking risks and committing our time, talents, and treasures to building up the body of Christ. Like Christ, we seek to serve rather than be served.
As outlined in the New Testament, the office of deacon is a historic ministry of service and aid within the local Christian Church. Deacons assist elders in administering the Sacraments and may perform baptisms without the presence of an Elder. They may serve the church in various areas, including communications, Christian education, counseling or chaplaincy, and leading ministries focused on music, campus life, prisons, charity, justice, and advocacy.
The Priests of the Church are collectively called the Presbyterate. The modern English word ‘priest’ is derived from the Greek root presbyteros. Priests are celebrants of Holy Communion and may administer all the sacraments except for Ordination to Holy Orders.
The Bishops of the Church are collectively called the Episcopacy. The role of Bishop, evident in the earliest forms of the Church, has evolved as the Church has grown and matured. This growth and maturity have led to the unique sacramental role of the Bishop as the successor of the Apostles. A Bishop is an overseer of the flock, called to propagate, teach, uphold, and defend the faith and order of the Church as God leads. Bishops are consecrated for the whole Church and are successors of the Apostles through the grace of the Holy Spirit. They are chief missionaries, pastors, guardians, teachers of doctrine, and administrators of godly discipline and governance.

How is the C.C.C governed?

The governance of our Communion is vested in our members gathered at the General Assembly, which is held every two years. Between General Assembly meetings, the administrative authority of the Communion resides in the Bishops Council and the General Council.
To learn more about our leaders, our polity, and to review our Constitution and Canon, please click the link below.
In short, it’s a bit more nuanced. Typically, when someone asks, “Are you Catholic?” they are referring to Roman Catholicism. We can definitively say that we are not Roman Catholic. However, our Communion is unapologetically and consistently catholic. We make this assertion because we embrace the sacramental and liturgical life of the historic Catholic and Apostolic Church. Our Communion upholds the creeds, sacraments, and historic episcopate in apostolic succession of the Church Catholic.
Wait, so you are Catholic? I thought all Catholics were Roman.
Considering your size, why are there so many leaders?
In the Convergent Catholic Communion, many clergy serve in leadership roles not out of prestige, but as a commitment to both their faith and community. Our bishops and clergy are often multi-vocational, balancing their familial, sacramental and pastoral duties with traditional 9-to-5 jobs. This multifaceted role enables them to remain grounded and relatable, bringing real-life experience to their ministry while actively engaging with the world around them. This also means they must rely on each other to complete the work of the Communion to ensure their lives remain in balance and not over extended.
Titles such as "metropolitan", “bishop” or “priest” in our Communion signify the function and responsibility of serving, not a hierarchy of status. These titles remind us of the sacred duty to lead with humility and dedication, connecting deeply with the people they serve. Our leaders embrace these roles as a vocation, guiding their communities while also living out their faith in everyday settings. This model reflects our belief that ministry is about accessible, lived faith, where sacred service and daily life are seamlessly integrated.
Between meetings of the General Assembly, our Communion is governed by the General Council and Bishops, with the former fulfilling the administrative functions, and the latter providing pastoral leadership.
What do you mean by Connexions?
Unlike the more traditional diocesan and eparchial models found in mainline and canonical churches, our Communion does not assign episcopal oversight based on geographic regions. In June of 2021, our governing councils approved a transition to a charism-based model. This model led to the creation of three Connexions to represent these charism-based relationships, with a fourth Connexion recently established for the Eastern Rite.
We chose the term ‘Connexion’ because it represents an organizational form not historically tied to geography. Similar to early Methodism, our Connexions reflect a charism-based model (i.e., when Methodism was still part of the Church of England), with a key differentiation in our use of the historic episcopacy. In this governance structure, the fullness of the church, both lay and ordained, works together to accomplish the work of Christ. Additionally, the term ‘Connexion’ emphasizes the interconnectedness of the various parts of our Communion.
What is your Application Process?
All applicants must submit an application and pass a background check prior to being considered for membership. Each applicant will be interviewed by at least one of our Bishops. During this consideration period, our Bishops review their findings and make a decision for membership. During deliberations, a decision is made in light of the Ordained Ministry Candidate Standards as adopted by our Bishops Council. The candidate may expect a determination to be made within 60 days of receiving the application. If membership is approved, additional training may be assigned to the new member by the Bishop. All new members are admitted as provisional members for a period determined by the Bishop, with approval from the Presiding Bishop. For those located outside of the United States, your application will only be consider if there are independent methods for verifying the information submitted.
The key to attaining membership in our Communion is found in building meaningful relationships with our members and leaders. You can begin that process now by joining our Facebook Group.
If you are the leader of 3 or more clergy, and your group would like to incardinate together; please begin with the informal inquiry process and your request will be placed before a bishop immediately.
All applicants are required to complete a criminal background check, including a check of the US Department of Justice Sexual Offender Registry.
Your application will not be considered until this item is completed. The cost of the background check is approximately $26.95 (Basic Package) and can be accessed above.
Once I become a Member, what is required of me?
Given the dispersed nature of our Communion, establishing meaningful relationships can be challenging. Therefore, members are encouraged to stay engaged through virtual connection opportunities offered by the Communion and to attend the Biennial meeting of the General Assembly. Additionally, Connexions may organize alternative events to foster further engagement within the ecclesial community.
Membership and Support
Commissioning or ordination by the Communion does not automatically grant membership privileges. Members are asked to support the Communion tangibly through the giving of time, finances, and talent. We recognize that financial support may not always be feasible for all members. If a member cannot provide financial support, they should notify their Bishop to explore other ways to contribute or to authorize continued membership benefits without fear of suspension.
Membership Requirements
To remain a member of the Communion, each member must:
Active, Accountable, and Authorized Ministry
Active: Serve a minimum of 10 documentable hours per week, whether paid or volunteer.
Authorized: Be authorized by a local community/ministry, the Communion, or the Bishops Council for service as a pastor, staff clergy, evangelist, pastoral therapist, chaplain, Communion staff, or as the director of an educational or service ministry.
Accountable: Be accountable to a local church administrative body or another administrative body, or to a direct supervisor within, or known to, the Convergent Catholic Communion. Additionally, pastors serving in a local church setting are strongly encouraged to establish a pastor-parish team to ensure healthy, transparent relationships and communications with their congregations.
Maintain Active Membership in a Local Congregation
Meet the requirements of membership, including regular worship attendance. For those not ministering in a local church, it is important to maintain a spiritual home and faith community. Engaging in ministry is not the same as being part of a worshiping community; therefore, ministers serving in parachurch ministries should regularly attend worship services.
Fulfill Continuing Professional Development Requirements
Complete the professional development requirements assigned by the Bishops Council each year.
These expectations help ensure that our members are actively engaged, accountable, and supported in their ministries, while fostering a strong sense of community and commitment within the Convergent Catholic Communion.